We’re receiving a lot of questions about open positions and opportunities for relocation to France. We’ve created this page that helps you to navigate the French tech market.

<aside> ⚠️ Help us to provide more opportunities for people in need and add your company to our publicly available database by filling out this form


Quck links


By starting the devastating invasion of Ukraine Russian government forced people of both countries to leave their homes running from the war on one side and fearing persecution and economical failure on the other side.

The goal of this project is to help people in need find a job and settle in France.

At the moment we only concentrating on the tech-related positions, however, some tips from this page could be useful for everybody.

Why France?

France does not often strike as a global technology hub however in 2022 the country is the second-largest in Europe by the number of unicorns and it also has offices of most technical giants.

It also has an excellent social security system and a history of supporting people in need.

In our humble opinion, it’s an excellent destination to live and to work, especially these days.

Find a job

Jobs database

Glassdoor - check company’s reviews and salaries

Levels.fyi - big tech salaries, not very populated for France but still useful

Welcometothejungle - startups publish here job offers and their tech stack

Айти люди Парижа - telegram channel for Slavic IT community

Prepare and apply

Upload your CV and get feedback

Prepare your CV

How to get an interview as a software developer

Software developer interview

Relocation info

French visas, residence permits, citizenship

After you arrive

List of Airbnb housing partners

Accommodations in France 🛏️

Taxes: WIP

Insurance: WIP

Useful resources for relocation all over the EU 🇪🇺

Crowd-sourced databases