Housing is a crucial aspect while relocating to a new place especially if people have to flee their country without any resources. This page provides information for those in need of urgent stays as well as general guidelines about France.

Short term urgent stays

  1. Airbnb.org For Ukrainian people displaced from their homes Airbnb offers free of charge stays with local hosts. To benefit from those stays one needs to reach out to city hall (la Mairie) or to la Préfécture. Some direct contacts have been made available for you on following page.

List of Airbnb housing partners.

  1. Telegram channel RefugeesInFrance

Short term urgent stays outside of France

  1. Airbnb.org Airbnb partnered with International Organization for Migration to provide short-term stays free of charge for fleeing Ukrainians in the following countries: Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia. Please check their official contact page or reach to following email: [email protected].

Long term stays

Non profit organizations

  1. Singa Singa finds a family that can shelter a displaced person and follows their integration in France for 1 year.

Appartment search

  1. Long term stays on Airbnb.fr Airbnb contains millions of apartments and houses available for rent for up to 1 year. It gives you a full official rental contract and provides nice discounts for long-term stays.
  2. Flatlooker Excellent modern plateforme that aims to manage full cycle of renting an appartment from searching to managing all necessary documents.
  3. Seloger.com Seloger is one of the biggest French websites to find an appartement for rent. You can find offers from individuals as well as from rental companies.
  4. Pap.fr Individuals go there to rent their appartments.
  5. Jinka Modern app that aggregates lots of different sources.
  6. Bienici.com An aggregator of different websites, in our experience could be a little bit less effective that first 3 candidates.
  7. Русские в Париже Available in Russian only. A big Facebook group that can help you will all aspects of your relocation from finding an appartment to finding your job or getting a legal help.
  8. Украинцы в Париже A big Facebook group that can help you will all aspects of your relocation from finding an appartment to finding your job or getting a legal help.
  9. РАБОТА и ЖИЛЬЁ в ПАРИЖЕ / PARIS Available in Russian only. A big Facebook group, howeve we do not have enough experience to judge its effectiveness.